12/7/24, Saturday: Dylan Patrick Ward album release show with Ian Galipeau (7:00 PM)

Dylan Patrick Ward celebrates the release of his new solo album at Stage 33 Live, 33 Bridge Street in Bellows Falls, VT, on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 7:00 PM. Ian Galipeau opens. (PRICE TBD __ in advance through stage33live.com or __ at the door. Advance tickets guarantee entry if it sells out. Seating is limited to 40; the performances will be recorded and filmed. Read the press release.

Dylan Patrick Ward Album Release Show at Stage 33 Live, with Ian Galipeau

BELLOWS FALLS — Dylan Patrick Ward is a folk misfit from Vermont’s dirty south… more specifically, within walking distance from Stage 33 Live. He played his first venue show there and has been going gangbusters ever since, increasingly respected in the worlds of both folk and indie music.

Equal parts compassionate and irreverent, his songs use catchy melodies and blunt, storytelling lyricism to weave tales of outcasts, oddballs, and people on the brink, with a sharp sense of humor and an instinctive sympathy for the underdog. He’s been compared to great musical humorists like John Prine and Loudon Wainwright, as well as indie-rock / antifolk legends like the Mountain Goats and Paul Baribeau.

In addition to performing solo, he has also teamed up with multi-instrumentalists Nate Goyette and Johnny Gifford to form “Dylan Patrick Ward and the Loveable Losers” to take Dylan’s sweet and sardonic songs to the next level in a mess of sonic delights.

Dylan is releasing two albums in 2024 — one with the Loveable Losers called The Porch Collapses, produced by Johnny Gifford, and a solo effort called Ne’er-Do-Wells, produced by Ian Galipeau. This show is a celebration of the latter’s release.

“He’s funny. He’s also as serious as an ax handle.” – Peter Mulvey

Ian Galipeau, who produced the album, is also on the bill to open. An indie-rock songwriter for hopeful cynics who cry at It’s A Wonderful Life, despise every TV news channel, and are anxious about climate change, he’s not an artist who can just write a simple love song or breakup song. As a performer, he’s a top-shelf talent (in the American sense of the phrase rather than the British one).

Dylan Patrick Ward celebrates the release of his new solo album, Ne’er-Do-Wells, at Stage 33 Live, 33 Bridge Street in Bellows Falls, VT, on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 7:00 PM. Ian Galipeau opens. (PRICE TBD __ in advance through stage33live.com or __ at the door. Advance tickets guarantee entry if it sells out. Seating is limited to 40; the performances will be recorded and filmed.

Stage 33 Live is a casual and intimate industrial-rustic listening room in a former factory hosting local, regional, and national performances and presentations of original material. No bar or kitchen, the stage is the mission; coffee / soda / juice / water and weird snacks available by donation. More info about the nonprofit, all-volunteer project, and this and other upcoming events, online at stage33live.com

Stage 33 Live gratefully acknowledges the help of so many individuals without whom none of this would be able to happen, and institutional support this season from The Island Corporation, the Vermont Arts Council, Guilford Sound, WOOL-FM, the Rockingham Arts & Museum Project, and Chroma Technologies to help fund improvements and maintenance, and generally smooth out a lot of the rough edges. Stage 33 Live is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and all donations are deductible to the fullest extent. Volunteers run the thing from stem to stern.

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