4/4/20: (NIXED BY COVID-19) – The Fantastic Partnerz

POSTPONED, like everything everywhere. New date TBD.

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DANCE PARTY! DANCE PARTY! Live music, all ages welcome! The Fantastic Partnerz are bringing their butt-moving, good-vibe tasty motown r&b funk to Stage 33 Live. You’ve got to get up to get down, and this will be the place with the Partnerz’ sonic brew that defies categories but always always always grooves.

Listen to their CD Tomorrow is the Future on bandcamp, it’ll all make sense.

They’re low-key about this, but the Partnerz are sort of a supergroup of veteran underground funksters, punks, pranksters, and secret folkies: Keene Carse (Urban Blight, The Beastie Boys, The Fleshtones) grounds the band with smoothio vocals, trombone, and funky drumming; Trish Naudon (America’s Sweetheart, The Natch!) laces in sexy vocal stylings and tight beats; Dave Rountree (Text Betty, Smiley Bob) locks down the low end with bumping bass and backing vocals; Eric DeLuca (Hungry Ghost, Lars) swipes flavorful keys across the top; and Chris Thomas (Lesion, furniture music) adds dirty guitar and vocals.

This show is in partnership with our Windsor-based pals from What Doth Life. Put it on your social calendar. More details are coming.

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