This blog is a way for us to get a foothold of escape from the diminishing returns of the social media soulcrush timesuck. But we're keeping a presence on those platforms with an outboard management program because we're not entirely suicidal. Do we actually think people are going to bookmark us and keep checking in for new posts like they used to do in the old days? No, we don't. Is that going to stop us? No, it won't. As always, smart money subscribes to the email newsletter.
Yawp. Yarp. Test.posted Oct 31 2020

Nothing to see here. Just working out kinks.

As threatened, we’ve gone old school and started this blog to get a foothold on escaping the diminishing returns of the social media soulcrush timesuck. But not to cut off our nose entirely, we’re keeping our presence on the platforms and trying out a social media manager program to centralize and streamline dealing with our Facebook page, Instagram feed, and our new Twitter account. Why did we suddenly open a Twitter account?! Never said we were smart.

Rando image for testing purposes: