11/15/18: Sam Creigh + short sets

Local singer-songwriter Sam Creigh is the featured performer for the November 15th edition of Stage 33 Live’s series “Third Thursdays @ 33”. He’ll be performing original music from his albums Green Mountain Flyer and Wanted Man, Sam and will be offering free signed copies of both CDs to interested audience members.

No cover charge, but there will be a tip jar for Sam, and freewill donations to help Stage 33 Live keep going are gratefully accepted.

Sam grew up in the country; his family owned a cattle ranch in Nebraska, and feed lots in Kansas and Arizona. Musical roots took hold in Tucson in the ’70s, where he played guitar and bass in country rock and Western swing bands. In 1976 he moved to Los Angeles, joined the Shire Brothers trio, and ran an 8-track demo studio on Hollywood Boulevard. Sam and his wife Vivian moved to a small farm in rural Vermont in 1987 to raise their family, where he picked up his Martin and began a solo career. He has honed his skills on the stages of festivals, taverns, ski lodges, and farmer’s markets throughout Vermont, New Hampshire, and Minnesota.

Doors open at 5:00 for a social hour at 33 Bridge Street in Bellows Falls on November 15th. A variety hour of short performances and presentations begins at 6:00, 3rd Thursdays @ 33 followed by featured performer Sam Creigh at 7:00.

At this writing there are still open short slots available for performers or presenters of original, FCC-safe material — any style, any topic, ten minutes. RSVP to stage33@stage33live.com or text/voicemail 802-289-0148, first come first served. All performances and presentations are recorded and filmed for web / radio / TV. Only original material is allowed.

People appearing on the stage will need to sign a release; youth require a parental / guardian signature. Audience members might be incidentally recorded or filmed or photographed; being there is acknowledgement and permission. More information at www.stage33live.com

Stage 33 Live is building its documentation library to record and produce 54-minute edited variety programs for radio and TV. Performances are also available for viewing on Youtube.

Things will continue to develop before every session; sign up for the email newsletter at www.stage33live.com to stay informed.

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